Category: Summerhayes

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Summerhayes – Silvers Open – 6th January 2024

The weekend arrived and with it, finally some decent weather, after a nice breakfast the day got off to a great start when Pete handed me £30 for having the best silvers weight of the year in 2023 with 45lb 7oz. Only 9 of us fishing today so plenty of room, I said to Zooner before the start I wanted to be

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Summerhayes – Open – 26th December 2023

Boxing Day and it was back to Summerhayes, the first task was to find somewhere for breakfast and after driving to three separate places that were all closed, I was running out of options but Greggs in Bridgwater services came to my rescue! When I arrived at the fishery, there was a decent turnout of 14 including Bruce Hunt who I haven’t

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Summerhayes – Open – 24th December 2023

It was back to Summerhayes on Xmas Eve and the match was on Sellicks which is my favourite lake. After a quick stop for breakfast with Parker ‘The Pole’ we headed to Bridgwater. 12 of us fishing today including Bill ‘The Silvers Slayer’ Hopping who had on a very impressive hat! The wind was howling down the lake so I was hoping

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Summerhayes – Open – 10th December 2023

It was supposed to be Stoke’s Xmas Fayre on Sunday but due to floods everywhere they had to cancel (it will now be held in January) so I phoned and booked us into Summerhayes. After a cracking brekkie at the bowling club we arrived to find the car park rammed with a club match on Sellicks and 25 booked into the open

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Summerhayes – Champion of Champions Silvers Final – 18th November 2023

On Saturday it was Champion of Champions Silvers Final at Summerhayes, they’re great matches with some serious money to be won. Basically throughout the year, a pound from the entry fee of each match goes into the pot and if you win one or the silvers you qualify for the respective final and with pools on the day as well, the pay

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Summerhayes – Open – 12th November 2023

After a disappointing day yesterday we were back at Summerhayes for the Sunday open but on Sellicks this time, which is my favourite lake as there aren’t as many carp or tiny silvers. We met at the bowling club for breakfast (thanks Charlotte) and were joined by the Grand Wiz and Chanter who were fishing the Chard winter series. With our bellies

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Summerhayes – Memorial Match – 11th November 2023

We were at Summerhayes on Saturday for a memorial match to remember Charlie Barnes, Clive Cunningham and Ray Wickham. Jeff welcomed the 22 anglers and said the payout would be for the overall winner and then four sections. I haven’t been for a while but apparently the pegs towards the top end of the track (the mid thirties) have been winning the

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Summerhayes – Open – 1st October 2023

Sunday it was back to Summerhayes but on Longs this time, Nick and me had a lovely brekkie at the bowling club (thanks Charlotte) which set us up for the day (unlike yesterdays effort!). 17 fishing and the golden peg today was number 26, I got called up to draw and only pulled out the bonus ball again! It’s towards the bottom

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Summerhayes – Silvers Open – 30th September 2023

A double header at Summerhayes this weekend, starting with a silvers open on Sellicks. Nick and me stopped at the new McDonalds in Ilminster for breakfast which wasn’t great and didn’t really fill me up! Quite a busy car park again with 14 anglers fishing this one which is a decent number for Sellicks. Pete got the draw underway and when it

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Summerhayes – Silvers Open – 9th September 2023

The forecast was for another scorching Saturday Silvers Open on Sellicks at Summerhayes! I met Nick and Jenny for breakfast and it was really disappointing so not the best of starts to the day. Only eight of us fishing today so we’d have lots of room, as Pete went to draw the golden ball, I predicted peg 17 and that was the