Category: Summerhayes

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Summerhayes – Silvers Open – 6th July 2024

I haven’t been to Summerhayes for a few weeks so phoned Pete to book in for the silvers match on Saturday which was on my favourite lake, Sellicks. After meeting Nick for a Greggs brekkie, we made the short trip to the venue. Only five of us fishing today so more of a knock up but at least we’d all have plenty

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Summerhayes – Open – 2nd June 2024

Due to various leagues and club matches on Sundays, I haven’t been to Summerhayes for a while so was looking forward to this one although when I phoned Pete to book in, I was a bit disappointed when he said it was on Longs rather than Sellicks which is my favourite lake. Nick, Rob and me met for breakfast at the bowling

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Summerhayes – 5th May 2024

Note – I’m not sure what’s going on with Facebook but they removed my last post linking to the blog so if you commented and I didn’t get chance to reply, I apologise. I have queried it with FB but I’m not holding my breath it will be resolved anytime soon! Sunday we were at Summerhayes for a Stoke club match on

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Summerhayes – Open – 21st April 2024

The following day we headed to Summerhayes for the open on Longs, 23 anglers fishing today and incredibly I managed to draw peg 13 for the second match on the trot. Its a peg I’ve been on a lot recently, brilliant for silvers and after all the time I’ve spent sat on it, you’d think I’d know how to fish it by

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Summerhayes – Open – 7th April 2024

Before I get on to Sunday’s report, the previous evening it was Stoke AA’s presentation night at the working mens club. It was well attended and before the trophies were handed out, the clubs very own magician, Bob Pamplin, entertained us with a selection of tricks. After being suitably amazed and mystified, the second half of the double act and our host

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Summerhayes – Open – 1st April 2024

Bank Holiday Monday it was back to Summerhayes for another match on Longs, it was also match number 8 in my fishing marathon. So far, it was going ok, despite lots of early starts, loads of driving and mainly crap weather, I wasn’t feeling too bad and I’d picked up in four of the seven matches. After a disappointing Greggs for breakfast

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Summerhayes – Open – 29th March 2024

For Good Friday and the start of the long weekend, we were back at Summerhayes and it was on Longs. 13 fishing today and when Pete announced the draw I was second on the list and pulled out peg 36. Not where I wanted to be, it’s by an aerator and a peg I can never seem to get to grips with.

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Summerhayes – Silvers Open – 27th March 2024

When I phoned to book in for this one, Pete said there were only four other names on the list and I was in two minds whether to fish, especially as the weather was going to be rubbish again. Waking up and looking out the window at the wind and rain, I nearly got back into bed but decided to go as

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Summerhayes – Open – 17th March 2024

Thankfully no oversleeping dramas on Sunday morning and I was able to enjoy a nice leisurely breakfast at the bowling club. A few more fishing today with 23 anglers booked in and among the myriad of stars present was none other than one of Torquay’s finest, Geoff ‘The Garlic King’ Young. It’s a little known fact that he was Michael Caine’s stunt

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Summerhayes – Silvers Open – 16th March 2024

A double header at Summerhayes this week starting with a silvers match on Saturday. My day didn’t get off to the best of starts when my alarm went off at 5:45 and I slept through it, I woke up at 6:30 which was when I was supposed to be meeting the others. I messaged Nick to say I was running late and