Hi Fishing Mum, thank so much for agreeing to answer my questions, firstly can you tell us a little bit about how you became the ‘Fishing Mum’? Did you start fishing so you could go with your son or were you fishing first?
Logan’s always been into fishing with his Dad and Grandad, but I never got involved or had any interest in getting on the bank. I kind of thought with them all out fishing it was my time to relax, until I separated with his father and then Logan started to ask me to take him fishing… for a good year I said no but one day just thought… why not? Why is fishing just for men? So we started off with a little pole margin fishing at the local lake and it went from there really. I started the page up but never expected any interest.
How long have both been fishing?
I’ve only been fishing for 2 years but Logan’s been on the bank from 2 years old.
What were yours and Logan’s first fish?
Logan started on the small silvers… roach, bream and perch, working his way up to carp. I’ve fished at the side of Logan helping him loads at the beginning to hardly doing anything now!
Which are your favourite species and what’s your biggest fish?
We went fishing in France this summer and both caught a 38lb carp! Logan’s was a mirror carp and mine was a common. So we are on par with each other for now.
And your favourite venue?
Tough question… Logan loves fishing on the River Trent but also small local venues that we can nip to after school for a few hours.
Which methods do you enjoy fishing most?
Logan started his fishing journey fishing with a pole then more recently moved onto rod and line fishing. We literally mix it up every time we get on the bank depending on what he’s targeting. On the Christmas list are new rods, reels and alarms so he’s stepping up his game!
Have you got any angling heroes or anybody who inspired you?
Logan’s been fishing with his Dad and Grandad from being super small so they will always be his ultimate heroes. My Grandad has fished for over 60 years so Logan’s constantly learning from him. Simple things from how to put your fishing tackle away to what bait to use!
We also like to watch so many different people fish on YouTube, Jeremy Wade on River Monsters, Matt Hayes and Mick Brown. Marina Gibson is not only a fantastic fisher lady but also a great ambassador for women in fishing.
I think it’s fantastic that you’re both into fishing, there seems to be a real lack of youngsters coming into the sport, why do you think this is? And what needs to be done to get more kids fishing?
This is something that worries me… I think the generation of kids now are totally overruled by technology. They’ve lost touch with reality so will actually find it very difficult to fish! Fishing is very quiet and chilled. I can’t see many kids on the bank at all unless they’ve been taken from a young age. Maybe schools could get more involved and help with this. Logan’s never come home and said anyone at schools interested in fishing.
When Logan reaches an age where he can go fishing on his bike with mates, do you think you will continue to fish?
I’m hoping that fishing together will continue at what ever age, its something we do together. Maybe that will change, who knows.
At the moment you both seem to just enjoy going fishing and catching fish but do either of you fancy getting into a particular branch of the sport i.e. match fishing, carp fishing, pike fishing etc?
Definitely not yet, we both enjoy the freedom of fishing for what we like, when we like, using whatever equipment/products we like. I think Logan’s too young, maybe that will change as he gets older but for now he’s an all-round angler.
Have you ever done any fishing abroad? Are there any places you’d like to fish?
Logan and I have been super lucky to fish around the globe. We have fished in Spain, France, Iceland and Australia! There’s still lots of places we would love to fish – America, Canada and more of the Scandinavian countries would be amazing.

Logan in Australia

You’re a very attractive lady with thousands of followers on Twitter and Instagram, in this day and age of trolls and keyboard warriors do you get much in the way of unwelcome attention from blokes?
Ahhhh well first of all thank you! It’s all pretty harmless though. I get more support and nice comments than negative, put it that way!
Have you got one piece of advice for the readers?
Don’t be afraid to have a go at fishing. Don’t think its just for men either because it really isn’t. There are so many fab women anglers coming through its great to see. Also don’t be afraid to take your kids fishing. I used to feel like everyone was looking at us and felt insecure but after a while I realised they was looking in a supportive way.
Well thank you for giving up your time but before I let you go, here’s a few more quick-fire questions,
What’s your favourite drink?
Fishing Mum – Tea
Logan – Cordial
Favourite meal?
FM – Roast beef dinner
L – Fish & Chips
Do you support a football team?
FM – Probably Forest if I had to choose one
L – Nottingham Forest
TV show?
FM – Any documentaries
L – River Monsters/Monster Carp
What music do you listen to?
FM – From Elvis to Cardi B, pretty much everything!
L – Oasis, Nirvana
What’s your idea of a perfect day?
FM – Spending a day on the bank with Logan (in the sunshine).
L – Fishing!
Many thanks again Fishing Mum and Logan, from Against Men and Fish
Follow on Twitter @fishing_mum
Follow on Instagram @fishing_mum
Good read. Well done
Thank you
another brilliant story best of luck to them both great to see a junior coming on (Rocking)
Thanks Rocking, glad you’re still reading and enjoying the blog, hope to see you soon mate