Category: Goodiford Mill

Goodiford Mill – 11th May 2019
It’s not very often I fish a double header at the weekend but when the Tart said there was a match at Goodiford on the Saturday, I thought I’d give it a go and was really looking forward to it, especially when a match in the week was won with over 200lb! Then on the Sunday I was fishing my first match …

Goodiford Mill – 6th April 2013
I don’t normally fish Saturdays apart from the odd trip after mullet, pike or barbel etc but when Glyn Wickham phoned me and asked if I wanted to fish the silvers lake at Goodiford Mill I was tempted. He then went on to say it’s stuffed with big roach to 2lb+ and that you would need 40lb+ to win and that was …

Goodiford Mill – 3rd October 2010
This will be a short one as I’m all blogged out, Martin and Malcolm have been asking us to go down to Goodiford for ages so with nothing else on we had a knock up. There were only six of us and we decided to pay the top two and do a blind drawn pairs after the match. The lake looked nice …