Month: March 2010

Perry St Pond – Spring League 1 – 28th March 2010
It was the first match of the ever popular Spring League and also my first visit for ages. I had heard it had been a little patchy because the weather was still so up and down but there were still carp to be caught and weights had been fairly reasonable. It was great to see loads of people I hadn’t seen since …

Chard Reservoir – 21st March 2010
After dusting my feeder rod and reel off, I headed for the resi, hoping some slabs might show. At the draw there was a decent turnout of 17 anglers and lots of faces I hadn’t seen for ages including Steve Bishop, Terry ‘Niblett’ Green and Dave Abrams. There was some ripple on the resi and some colour after loads of rain the …

River Isle – Crown Winter League – 14th March 2010
Well it was the last day of the river league and the final match in the Crown series, Martin and Malcolm were away so a good result could see me sneak the league. The sun was out and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky although the wind was a little keen. My mood was tempered slightly when Rob said we were …

Crown Inn Summer League Fixture Dates
Robin let me have the dates for the Crown Inn Summer League yesterday so here they are, should be a good little series, all matches are on Dillington Pond. Sunday 16th May 2010Sunday 30th May 2010Sunday 13th June 2010Sunday 27th June 2010Sunday 11th July 2010Sunday 25th July 2010Sunday 8th August 2010Sunday 22nd August 2010Sunday 5th September 2010Sunday 19th September 2010 9 matches …

River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League – 7th March 2010
I was really looking forward to the last V.E.S. match and even though we’d had two wicked frosts the two previous nights, I thought it would be a good match. How wrong could I be? read on to find out! Once again there were only nine of us fishing and there were some good pegs in. Rob had put 25 in and …