Month: February 2012

River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League 7 – 26th February 2012
The final match arrived and it was a glorious sunny day although not ideal for catching fish on a low, clear river! I got to the pub and things got off to a great start when Rob handed me £20 for coming second in the Tacklebox/Royal Oak league which finished last week. This league is pretty tight with Martin leading with 8 …

River Isle – Tacklebox/Royal Oak Winter League 9 – 19th February 2012
Driving to pick up the bait yesterday, there was loads of rain and I was hoping that we might get some colour in the river for this week. At the draw there were some really good pegs in including my peg from last week, 125 and 126. To be honest I didn’t really fancy drawing 124 again as I didn’t think those …

River Isle – Open – 12th February 2012
After last weeks poor match and more freezing weather during the week I was fearing the worst for this match but was pleasantly surprised to wake up and see we hadn’t had a frost, the air temperature wasn’t too bad either. I got to the pub and there was a half decent turnout of ten including Tony Newman, Andy Welch and even …

River Tone – ‘Searching for a lady’ – 10th February 2012
I’ve been an angler for 32 years and realised the other day that I’d never caught a ‘Lady of the stream’, a grayling. I spoke to Scotty who said he used to catch loads on the Silk Mills stretch of the River Tone so I booked today off with the aim of catching one. Snow had been forecast and I woke early …

River Isle – Tacklebox/Royal Oak Winter League 8 – 5th February 2012
More awful weather in the week and much of the country had snow so I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up and it was mild and we hadn’t even had a frost. Quite a bit of rain yesterday would hopefully put some colour in the river too. At the draw there were the usual suspects and I was quite surprised to …