Category: River Tone

River Tone – Taunton vs Ilminster – 26th January 2020
I was really looking forward to this one, I’d only ever fished the fabled ‘Fast Stretch’ once and that was a short pleasure session after grayling a few years back. Match weights regularly top 30lb of chub but like any small river you need to draw the right areas. It’s also nearly all stick float fishing and I haven’t wielded one of …

Great Days (and some that didn’t go quite to plan!)
I recently posted my ‘Top Ten Posts Of All Time’ which proved to be popular (and can be read on the link below) and there were several ‘Great Days’ that didn’t quite make the top ten so I’ve listed them below (again in no particular order) 5 – The Lady Of The Stream In all my years of fishing I’d never caught …

Mission Impossible – River Tone – 27th October 2012
I have been trying to hook up (pun intended) with Russell Hilton who writes the excellent Tales From The Towpath blog for some time and we finally arranged to have a go at catching some pike today. I know next to nothing about catching pike so Russell said he’d bring all the gear and bait and sort out day tickets (top man). We …

River Tone – ‘Searching For Another Lady’ – 2nd March 2012
After my last trip in Feb to try and catch grayling where despite the awful conditions I actually caught a small ‘lady’, I was itching to have another go. With the weather a lot better and the end of the river season approaching, I booked another day off and arranged another trip with ‘Scotty’s Guided Grayling Tours’. This time there was another …

River Tone – ‘Searching for a lady’ – 10th February 2012
I’ve been an angler for 32 years and realised the other day that I’d never caught a ‘Lady of the stream’, a grayling. I spoke to Scotty who said he used to catch loads on the Silk Mills stretch of the River Tone so I booked today off with the aim of catching one. Snow had been forecast and I woke early …