
All posts by Jamie Rich

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Revels Fishery – Open – 31st December 2024

For my last match of 2024 I headed to Revels and was hoping my recent good run of draws would continue. There was the usual good turnout of 19 anglers despite the forecast of strong winds (just for a change!). The draw got underway and I was fairly near the top of list, Dean pulled out 49 on Dead Tree which I

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Summerhayes – Open – 29th December 2024

It was back to Summerhayes the following day and I couldn’t quite believe it when I drew out 33 again but I definitely wasn’t complaining! The lake was flat calm so I’d actually be able to fish longer than top two plus two today and the lovely Zooner was on the next peg so I’d be able to keep a close eye

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Todber Manor – Silvers Open – 28th December 2024

With some time off over the festive period, I always try to fit in a few matches and the next one was another trip to Todber with the Ilminster ‘Massive’! A lovely breakfast in the Lakeside Kitchen set us up for the day before we all added to John Candy’s holiday fund by spending loads in the shop. Draw time arrived and

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Summerhayes – Open – 26th December 2024

After a short interlude for Xmas Day, it was back to Summerhayes for the Boxing Day open. I thought there might be a few there, keen to get out after stuffing themselves with turkey but was a little surprised to see 24 names on the list which was a great turnout. In complete contrast to the last match, the lake was flat

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Summerhayes – Open – 22nd December 2024

The forecast was equally unattractive the following day and another battering by the elements was on the cards. When I arrived I was quite surprised to see the car park was fairly busy which confirmed my suspicions that the majority of anglers are bonkers! Most people favoured another rover style match so people could try and find sheltered pegs, I pulled out

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Acorn Fishery – Xmas Match – 21st December 2024

The weekend arrived and of course another named storm decided to pay us a visit, although we’ve had so many now in quick succession, I’ve lost track of what letter we’re up to, E perhaps? We headed up to Acorn for the Xmas open but things didn’t get off to a great start when the burger van was shut so we had

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Revels Fishery – Open – 17th December 2024

The next festive fixture was the Tuesday Club Xmas Match at Revels and as per usual there was a great turn out of 21 anglers. After complimentary hot drinks and bacon rolls it was time for the draw and today we’d be spread over all the lakes. I was around halfway down the list and when my name was called, I was

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Summerhayes – Xmas Match – 15th December 2024

On Sunday it was another Xmas match, this time at Summerhayes and parking was at a premium with 40 anglers booked in! It was a rover with all lakes in and also a rolling draw which obviously depended on someone pulling out choice one before it could get underway! Nick pulled out choice 7 and when I asked what the next lowest

Peter's Pike

Peter May Interview

Hi Peter, thank you so much for agreeing to answer my questions; I’ve just finished reading your book, ‘End Peg’ and I have to say I loved it, can you tell us a little bit about how you came to have a book published about fishing? Mostly due to good fortune.  I’ve been writing books on and off since 1996.  However until

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Todber Manor – Silvers Open – 14th December 2024

On Saturday we headed down to Todber for a silvers open on Ash and was really looking forward to it as they’ve just stocked 500+ ide up to a pound. You don’t really see them in the South West which is a shame, I’ve only caught them at White Springs in Wales and they were lovely big fish to over 2lb. After