Category: Brendon’s Bonus Bash

Sadborow – Brendon’s Bonus Bash! – 30th December 2020
Now in it’s third year, Brendon’s Bonus Bash has become a yearly tradition, it’s not really a match, just a knock up between mates and we normally have a right laugh with lots of talk about Oak trees, ghost carp and otter dogs among many other diverse subjects, some of which are far from suitable for publication here! I popped over to …

Sadborow – Brendon’s Bonus Bash! – 3rd January 2020
With Xmas and New Year out of the way it was time for another ‘Brendon’s Bonus Bash’ at Sadborow, we all met at Millfield cafe for a fantastic breakfast to set us up for the day ahead before heading out the pond. It looked nice with odd fish moving about and when the Tart announced the draw, most people fancied peg 5 …

Sadborow – Brendon’s Bonus Bash! – 3rd January 2019
With an extended break over the festive period, I was getting rather bored and fancied getting out somewhere so text the Tart to see if he fancied a knock up at Sadborow. He said to leave it with him and got back to me to say there were a few interested and we’d meet at ‘Spoons for breakfast at 7:30. I was …