Month: August 2009

Dillington Pond – Summer League – 23rd August 2009
After not fishing last weekend I was really looking forward to getting back on the bank this weekend. There were only eight of us fishing again and those that had already drawn peg 1 weren’t allowed to draw it again so that left three of us and I drew it! I had mixed emotions about it though as the peg hasn’t been …

Dillington Pond – Summer League – 9th August 2009
Even though I managed a minor pick up on Wednesday night, I was still a long way off the pace out here. I can’t compete with Martin, Graham or Bruce on the small fish and the caster approach isn’t working so I thought I’d try something a little different today. I had half a kilo or worms left from Chris’s last Sunday …

Dillington Pond – Evening League – 5th August 2009
After a pretty shitty day at work it was a relief to leave the office at three, the weather was glorious for a change and I was looking forward to a few hours fishing. I got to the pond and after all the recent rain there was quite a bit of colour to it and it looked nice. Including me there were …

Chris Haines Pond – 2nd August 2009
Dave picked me and off we went for brekkie where Steve Bishop and Steve Osborne met us, not long after another Steve (Chant) arrived with Picky. After filling up for the day ahead (some more than others, eh Dave?) off we went. We made good time and were soon at the venue. Les did his best to rid us of all our …