Category: Fishing In France

Fishing in France – Baz Morgan – Part 6
Be careful what you wish for. On my latest visit to France l was sitting in a bar (nothing new there then) overlooking the lake in the small town of Quintin in the Cotes d’Amour. While enjoying a coffee l noticed an advertisement for a fishing match a few days later on the lake. I have fished here on a couple of …

Fishing In France – Baz Morgan – Part 6
Etang de Korong I absolutely got the wrong impression of this venue the first few times that l went to weigh it up. From the usual point of arrival through the village of Glomel l got the impression of arriving at an aquatic leisure centre and holiday camp.There is a beach of sorts and facilities for all sorts of sports, people everywhere …

Fishing In France – Baz Morgan – Part 5
A few years ago, I was asked if I would organise a trip to France to fish the river Loire for barbel, chub, mullet and possibly silure. The deal was that they would pay all expenses, ferry, fuel, digs and food. My job would be to do all the booking, the driving, sort licences and bait, act as guide to the swims …

Fishing In France – Baz Morgan – Part 4
The Mighty River Loire I doubt if anyone could put their hand on heart and truly say they know the mighty river Loire, it is after all one of the great natural rivers of Europe and over 600 miles long. However I have fished it a couple of times a year for the last 7 years and there are a few things I …

Fishing In France – Baz Morgan – Part 3
My latest guest blog is part 3 of the Fishing in France series by Baz Morgan, what a brilliant looking venue! Canal de la Dive For the purpose of this article I will deal with the section of canal that runs south of Breze, Epieds and Le Motte Bourbon, from here the canal runs north west to join the River Thouet …

Fishing In France – Baz Morgan – Part 2
In my last article I explained the basic licence system in France. What I failed to say was that as far as I know there are no concessions for pensioners or disabled etc, but I will check that out on my next visit. The river Mayenne is one of those venues that I am really keen to explore in the future. Up …

Fishing in France – Baz Morgan – Part 1
The latest guest blog is from Baz Morgan with loads of great info on fishing in France. If you would like to submit an article, review or catch report please send me an e-mail using the contact form in the sidebar of the blog. Hello. My name is Baz Morgan, I have been a follower of Jamie’s blog for many years. I have …