Month: October 2020

Fishsurfing App Review
My latest review is a look at the fishing app, Fishsurfing, which is a social network for anglers to share their experiences and catches through blogs, photos and videos. It’s free to download and available for iOS and Android mobile devices and is fully translated into 18 languages. According to the promotional info, the main menu features are; Gallery: allows anglers to …

River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League 2 – 25th October 2020
After a great start to the league in the first match, I was hoping for more of the same this weekend and after some rain mid-week, the river was in perfect condition but with more forecast for Saturday would it be too much? Looking at the river levels online, it was touch and go whether we would be on the river or …

River Isle – Ilminster vs Stoke – 18th October 2020
I’m really enjoying these inter-club fixtures and it’s great having some bigger matches although with 25 originally booked in, pegging it was going to cause a few headaches. I have to say a massive thanks to Rob Cox, Baz Morgan, Leighton and Paul Adams who did loads of work finding swims and making them fishable and at Midelney, they even put pallets …

Summerhayes – Charlie Barnes Memorial Match – 17th October 2020
Two matches this weekend that I was really looking forward to, Charlie’s Memorial at Summerhayes on Saturday and then Ilminster v Stoke on the Isle the following day. Charlie’s match is silvers only and one I would love to do well in, although I’ve really struggled to avoid the carp this year which I’m sure Charlie would find very amusing! Up early, …

What Do Points Make………?
I’ve written about all the different variables in match fishing many times on this blog, it’s part of what makes our sport so great but in equal measure it can be the most frustrating thing in the world. I’m not going to regurgitate all those reasons here but somebody messaged me recently about trying to level the playing field and I’m sure …

River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League 1 – 11th October 2020
I always look forward to this league and getting back on the Isle, it’s seven matches with your best six results counting so it’s nice if you can get off to a decent start. I managed to win the league last season for only the second time and would be trying my hardest to retain the title. Rob and Leighton had been …

Dillington Pond – Pairs Open – 4th October 2020
I’d really enjoyed fishing the Parrett over the summer and when Stoke rescheduled this match from last week, I booked in with Steve P as it would probably be the last chance to fish it this year. The weather had other ideas though and it rained solidly Friday and Saturday with strong winds chucked in for good measure. Ilminster AA very kindly …