Category: Covey Fisheries

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Covey Fisheries – Open – 25th May 2024

I haven’t fished Covey since 2021 when we used to fish the Match lake, there are several other waters on-site including Purdy’s which is a specimen/pleasure lake so doesn’t get match fished that often. I’d been seeing some exciting reports from the odd competition with bags of quality roach, rudd, tench, chub and perch up to 45lb although 25-30lb is more the

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Covey Fisheries – Open – 20th June 2021

I was booked in for the Dillington match today but after losing some fish, the club imposed a keepnet ban which obviously meant the fixture would have to be re-arranged, so I was left searching around for a match to fish. I’d booked Monday off work as I knew I’d be knackered after fishing both days so was desperate to fish somewhere

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Covey Fisheries – Open – 29th December 2020

I always try and fit a few matches in over the festive period so when Chanter contacted me and said he was running another open at Covey, I jumped at the chance. With a fairly early draw, Greggs wasn’t open so I went to Costa and had a less than inspiring bacon roll which wasn’t cheap either! Then it was off to

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Covey Fisheries – Silvers Open – 27th September 2020

In the last match here, I spent an hour fishing across for carp but struggled so decided to fish for silvers and had a lovely day catching nine crucians, a barbel plus rudd, roach and little skimbobs for 12lb odd but was a long way behind the winning weight of 21lb. The temperature dropped a few degrees in recent days so it

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Covey Fisheries – Open – 30th August 2020

The lovely Steve Chant has been running some opens here and after having a cracking day on bunghole peg 1 last time, I was hoping for more of the same this time, especially after a nightmare week with difficulties caring for dad, a £600 vets bill (not for dad!) and my back going when I was picking up dog poo! My week

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Covey Fisheries – 21st June 2020

I’d really enjoyed my first match here a couple of weeks back and was looking forward to another go, the other good news was that Cafe Morgan was open again! The Breakfast Club assembled bright and early and once again Terry ‘The Toast’ had outdone himself, this week the Full English also had black pudding, I’ve never had it before as I

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Covey Fisheries – 7th June 2020

I always enjoy fishing new venues so when I saw Stoke had a match at Covey, I booked in and then set about trying to find out some more about it. The lovely Steve Chant fishes it quite a bit so I messaged him and as always he was very helpful, it sounded nice with carp, silvers and F1’s (which I’ve never