Month: February 2018

Fishing In France – Baz Morgan – Part 4
The Mighty River Loire I doubt if anyone could put their hand on heart and truly say they know the mighty river Loire, it is after all one of the great natural rivers of Europe and over 600 miles long. However I have fished it a couple of times a year for the last 7 years and there are a few things I …

Welcome to the new Against Men and Fish!
I would like to welcome you to the new Against Men and Fish, it’s been in the pipeline a little while and hopefully you’ll like it. Why a new site, you may ask, well everything I’ve read about blogs and blogging says you need your own domain name and your own hosting, basically your own little corner of the web. I’ve been thinking …

River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League 7 – 18th February 2018
Before I get on to this weeks post, I heard the terrible news that the legend Charlie Barnes passed away yesterday, I didn’t know Charlie that well although ours paths crossed on the Isle a few times many years ago. More recently I used to see him at Summerhayes quite a bit and, like me, he used to love fishing for the …

River Isle – IBC Winter League 9 – 11th February 2018
The cold snap continued through the week and with quite a bit of rain on Friday I was starting to think we might be on the pond for the first time this year. I popped down to have a look at the river on Saturday and it looked perfect and with not much rain forecast for the rest of the day or …

River Isle – Open – 4th February 2018
In last weeks post, I shared some great feedback I’d received, I wasn’t ‘angling’ (if you’ll excuse the pun!) for nice comments but it would seem that the blogs readers are a lovely lot and I just had to share a selection of the awesome things you had to say, thank you all so much, it means a lot to know you like what …