Category: River Parrett

River Parrett – Novice Shield – 10th July 2022
After doing well in the previous two matches on the Parrett, I was looking forward to this one, although it was due to be scorching hot which wouldn’t do us any favours. We were at Parrett Works again and there was another great turnout of 18 anglers fishing this one. The draw was announced and I had a mental wish list of …

River Parrett – Stoke vs Ilminster – 26th June 2022
This is the fourth year the two clubs have contested The Isle & Parrett Challenge Shield and as the current holders we were keen to defend the trophy. The first leg was ‘away’ on the Parrett with two sections at Kingsbury and Parrett Works. The opposing teams would be on alternate pegs with ten points for a section win, nine for second …

River Parrett – Evening Cup – 18th June 2022
I always look forward to the Stoke river matches getting underway, it’s a lovely bit of water and even though 3-4lb is a normally a good weight, it’s really enjoyable fishing. The first round of the six match series is an evening match on the Saturday and with the draw at 14:45, it gave us chance to meet for lunch at the …

River Parrett – Stoke vs Ilminster (Axminster Cup) – 5th September 2021
Now in it’s third year, Stoke vs Ilminster continues to be a very popular match which is great but also poses it’s own problems in that it can make pegging difficult with increased numbers. Stoke decided to use both Parrett Works and Kingsbury sections for this one with most people hoping to draw the latter. It’s was also the Axminster Cup and …

River Parrett – J. Irish Trophy – 22nd August 2021
It was back to Parrett Works for this one and another early start, Nick and Jenny very kindly offered to do breakfast rolls for us in the morning which were lovely. They wouldn’t accept any payment so we all bunged another fiver into the charity pot. With two river matches remaining it was tight in the race for the Memorial Shield where …

River Parrett – Mrs Williams Cup – 8th August 2021
It was back at Parrett Works for this one and Kirsty at The Ranch very kindly agreed to accommodate us at 6:00 for breakfast so it was yet another rude 5:00 alarm. Once we’d eaten it was across the road and we could now draw our own pegs again. There was another great turn out of 18 anglers. I was hoping to …

River Parrett – Huntsman Cup – 25th July 2021
I’ve absolutely loved fishing the Stoke river matches at Parrett Works and Kingsbury, it’s not easy fishing by any means but it’s fascinating trying to work out how to catch the 4-5lb needed to do well. After some decent results, I really thought I was starting to get my head round it but I should have known better and in the last …

River Parrett – Novice Shield – 11th July 2021
For the second Stoke AA river match we were at Kingsbury and I was really looking forward to it although with a 7:00 draw time, breakfast (the best bite of the day!) was looking off the menu (excuse the pun). Thankfully The Grand Wizard came to the rescue and spoke to Kirsty from The Ranch and she very kindly agreed to open …

River Parrett – Evening Cup – 19th June 2021
I really enjoyed fishing the Stoke matches on the Parrett last year and their first match of the new season is always the Evening Cup, something a bit different for me because it’s on a Saturday and as the name suggests, it’s in the evening! There were 21 booked in which is just fantastic and with it being a 14:30 draw time, …

River Parrett – Stoke vs Ilminster (Axminster Cup) – 6th September 2020
I’ve really enjoyed these inter-club matches and this year Ilminster fielded a team of 12 which is a brilliant turnout. We all met at the bowling club for breakfast before heading to Martock to do the draw and lock horns with our mortal foes! Last year we narrowly beat Stoke on the Parrett but they got their revenge at Dillington so honours …