Stathe Drain – Langport League – 12th August 2007

As my team, Chard Remains, is currently propping up the league our only hope of silverware this year is the knockout cup which starts with this match and runs over the remaining fixtures on Stathe drain. I did the draw for the team and managed to get an end peg for Steve Bush who was on B8, my peg D6 was also


Dillington Pond – Summer League – 5th August 2007

I was really looking forward to this one as the forecast was good and I really enjoy fishing this venue and up until the last couple of matches I have had some good results. I got to the draw a little late and once again there was a good turnout of twelve anglers including a couple of ‘muggers’, Bruce Hunt and Martin


River Parrett – Langport League – 29th July 2007

After even more rain (will it ever end?), this was another match I wasn’t looking forward to. I did the draw and yet again avoided any end pegs. In three matches I’ve managed one end peg for the team – not a good ratio. My destination for today was peg C2 at Cocklemoor, I got there and the river was chocolate and


Dillington Pond – Summer League – 22nd July 2007

After last weeks relative disaster I had been looking forward to this one all week. I got to the Crown for the draw and things didn’t get off to a good start when I spilt coffee all down my trousers! I hope it wasn’t an omen. Once again there was a bumper turnout of twelve anglers, the winner of the last match,


Langport League – River Parrett – 15th July 2007

After our fourth place in the last match I was hoping for another decent performance from the team in this match. At the draw I once again managed to avoid any end pegs but thankfully also avoided the dreaded scales or weighboards. My peg was C7 on the Coombe stretch where I’ve done alright in the past. The river looked in good


Dillington Pond – Summer League – 8th July 2007

It looked like being a gorgeous day as I arrived at the Crown for the draw with the sun blazing down. All the anglers who fished the last match were here along with Yeovil Angling Centre boss, Scotty Russell. I didn’t really mind where I drew as long as it wasn’t the pumphouse as that swim hasn’t been kind to me. The


Langport League – River Parrett – 1st July 2007

During the three years I fished this league with the Chard Remains team we have been runner’s up twice and winners of the knockout cup, could we go one better this year? After loads of rain for what seemed like weeks I was sure this one was going to be called off. To my suprise the river actually looked in pretty good


Dillington Pond – Summer League – 24th June 2007

After last weeks disaster where I finished last I was keen to get back here and see if I really had lost my touch. I was a little suprised when I got to the pub for the draw to see there were ten other anglers there, Roger Russell and his mate Rob had turned up for this one and it was nice


Dillington Pond – Summer League – 17th June 2007

Back to my favourite venue for this match and at the draw I was quite suprised to see only six other anglers there. Still there was a match and money to be won. I stuck my hand in the bucket and pulled out peg four which was by the pumphouse. I have drawn here a few times and struggled to be honest


Perry St Pond – Spring League – 10th June 2007

Blistering hot conditions met the anglers for the last match and after paying my pools and playing my joker I got one of the favoured pegs, number one. I really needed a good result and the swim looked really nice with loads of carp moving. In front of me was a huge bed of lilies that stretched to 11 metres and the

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