Perry St Pond – Spring League – 27th April 2008

Nearly a full house for this one with 19 anglers eagerly awaiting the draw, I did my usual trick of avoiding all the corner pegs by ending up on peg 7 again. Still with the weather warming up I had it in my mind that I was going to fish up in the water as quite a few carp have been caught


Chard Reservoir – 20th April 2008

Les said that the bream had been showing well on the ‘resi’ and I was looking forward to this one as I haven’t fished the tip for ages. Apparently pegs in the forties were the ones to draw and I was well chuffed when I drew peg 41. I got to my peg and while I was setting up got two wet


Perry St Pond – Spring League – 13th April 2008

After actually picking up some money last week I was hoping to continue my good fortune this week. After drawing peg 3, I wasn’t so sure. Butch Baker drew another flier in the shape of peg 10 and Chris Haines also continued his good form at the draw bag with peg 20. My peg has had some form but only when peg


Perry St Pond – 6th April 2008

Once again the forecast was crap but this time the only difference was that snow was forecast instead of rain. Only ten hardened anglers (or nutters as I like to call them) turned up for the draw and Les decided to leave the corner pegs out in a bid to make it a fairer match. I drew peg 16 and as I


Perry St Pond – Spring League – 30th March 2008

I wasn’t looking forward to this one although the weather was a lot better than forecast. Les and Steve Bush drew their usual corner pegs and Janders was on consistent peg 13, for my sins I drew peg 7 which hasn’t got a lot of form. I set up a 0.6 gram Drennan carp float to fish at 11 metres and scaled


Perry St Pond – 23rd March 2008

More shitty weather was forecast and I wasn’t really up for this one at all. At the draw only six other anglers turned up so Les decided it would be draw and choose, amazingly I got choice one and decided to go for peg 11, one of the consistent corner pegs. Les was paying out the top two and two sections so


Perry St Pond – 21st March 2008

Chard AC always hold on match on Good Friday and today was no exception. Once again the forecast was crap with strong winds, hail and rain. I managed to draw poxy peg 15 again and the wind was right in my face. I set up the same two rigs as the last match (see previous post) and on the whistle cupped in


Perry St Pond – Spring League – 16th March 2008

Me and Janders had missed the first match in this league due to a clash with the Crown league and as you can only drop one match I was keen to get off to a good start. The weather was awful with a very cold wind and freezing rain. I drew peg 15 which meant nothing to me apart from I knew


River Isle – Crown League – 9th March 2008

After drawing peg 125 last week I only went and drew it again!!! After some rain yesterday I really thought there might be a touch of colour but if anything the river was lower and clearer than last time. I made myself comfortable and set up the same rig as last week, a 2BB Drennan peacock waggler with 0.12 mm bottom and


River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League – 2nd March 2008

The last match arrived and I had been dreaming about drawing peg 125 for weeks and I only went and drew it!!! and it was a golden peg too! Driving to the river I kept thinking this was my best chance of winning a golden peg for years and I actually had butterflies! The peg itself is nothing special to look at,

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